Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why I Love Becca

This is a whole post about my love for one fantastic human being, Rebecca Ann Stenquist. Now, dear friends if you don't know her, you should. She's going to Bulgaria to serve a mission. I am sorry Becca, you may find this to be weird and creepy, but I don't care. I actually typed this out 3 weeks ago, but waited until the eve of her farewell talk to post it.

The first time I ever heard of this mysterious wonderful person, I was going in to sign my contract to live in Heather Cove. It was sometime in November, and I was taking the contract of another friend who was leaving on her mission. At the same time I was there, Becca's brother Ben was in the office signing Becca's contract for the upcoming semester. Obviously, this was fate. Then, again, as I was moving my things into my apt that December, I caught a peek of her and her brother in the neighboring doorway.

That winter, magic happened. Now, we had just under 2 years of marvelous experiences, which may lead you to think that our friendship was built out of those good times. And partially, it was. Let's be honest, a ton of the fun things we did were powered by Becca's organization and enthusiasm. However, what I love most about Becca (aside from her incredible cooking skills, craft skills, boundless positivity, hilarity, and wit) is how she will always be there for you. Be it a broken foot, broken heart, or broken GPA  she will get you through it. Just recently she flew down the freeway to Sandy on a moment's notice to scoop me off the floor and bring me back to life with some Chinese food, Marie Callenders pie, and snuggling. I really will miss you Becca. So much. I can't even imagine what it will be like. But, I guess it's our opportunity to be selfless and share you with the Bulgarians for a while. You are going to be such a good missionary, and you'll be getting a ton of letters... whether you like it or not...

future cabin?