Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pros and Cons of being home for Thanksgiving Part 1

I've been travelling back home for Thanksgiving every mid November for several years now. All together over these years, I have amassed over 30 days of quality Thanksgiving holiday time. Without even mentioning the holiday itself, there are both good and bad things to this wonderful season of food, family, and more food.

Being back at home with family

Looking like a zombie following the horrendously boring 10-13 hour drive to get there

(The amount of time depends on if I'm driving. Because, I guarantee you that if I am, I will get pulled over for going between 2-5 miles over the speed limit)

Case in point: pulling into Sacramento in 2010. Looking good...
2. Pro
There is a high of 68 degrees today at home

When I get back to Provo, it will feel like -68 degrees.

Because my parents have recently purchased an elliptical, I can stay in shape!

Yeah, let's be honest, that's not going to happen.

I have all the free time in the world!

I'm already bored.

5. Pro
There is so much delicious food

There is so much delicious food

6. Pro
Spending time with the people I love
